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Thursday, January 20, 2011

This Just In - 2011 Has Started

Are you with it? 2011 started already! Three weeks already done.

Before I forget I wanted to share my FAVORITE Greenie recipe with you!

4-5 leafs (or is it leaves??) of organic kale
4 chunks of pineapple
2 TBS flaxseed oil
3/4 C organic apple cider
1 banana
Blend on highest Vitamix setting for about 40 seconds. Enjoy!

I just had braces put on my teeth last week and OMG did my teeth hurt - that dull throbbing pain until you go to gently and gingerly chew on something soft you put in your mouth and then WHAM that dull pain is excruciatingly ShArP and makes you almost pass out. So much for chewing.

Well that was about 4 days ago. Even 3 days ago it was still pretty painful. Yesterday not as bad and today still better. However, I still can't eat a salad with anything crunchy in it. What salad is not crunchy? Exactly. That's my problem. How the hell am i supposed to eat?!

I guess I'll be drinking my food for the next 18 months. Yup, 18 months of a painful mouth and unable to chew anything crunchy. Good thing I love carrot juice, Greenies and fruit smoothies, then eh? That could be good for my health and diet. The problem is that I wanted comfort food when my mouth hurt and I was anxious about not being able to eat anything. So I tried some soft and easy-on-the-teeth vegan chocolate cake, Amy's I think isthe brand. Yum. I'm ashamed to admit just how much of that cake i've eaten in the past week.

Mashed potatoes, veggie juices, fruit smoothies, greenies, pureed soups, and that's about it, oh and some green tea with honey.

wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A couple more recipes

Here's a vegan variation of the Barefoot Contessa's granola bar recipe:

* 2 cups old-fashioned oatmeal
* 1 cup sliced almonds
* 1 cup shredded coconut, loosely packed
* 1/2 cup toasted wheat germ
* 3 tablespoons olive oil
* 2/3 cup honey
* 1/3 cup maple syrup
* 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
* 1/2 cup chopped pitted dates
* 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots
* 1/2 cup dried cranberries
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8 by 12-inch baking dish with parchment paper.

Toss the oatmeal, almonds, and coconut together on a sheet pan and bake for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl and stir in the wheat germ.

Reduce the oven temperature to 300 degrees F.

Place the olive oil, honey, maple syrup, and vanilla in a small saucepan and heat over medium heat. Cook and stir for a minute, then pour over the toasted oatmeal mixture. Add the dates, apricots, and cranberries and stir well.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Wet your fingers and lightly press the mixture evenly into the pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until light golden brown. Cool for at least 2 to 3 hours before cutting into squares. Serve at room temperature.

Vegan Lentil Vegetable Soup (look for a variation of this to come soon using a slow cooker to prepare...)

1 medium onion - chopped.
3-5 cloves garlic - coarsely chopped
2 cups chopped carrots and celery
2 cups champagne lentils
1 medium leak - rinsed of hiding dirt, chopped.
4 cups filtered water
5-6 sprigs fresh thyme
1 tsp cumin

Saute the onion and garlic in ~2 TBS water until translucent, but not browned. Add the rest of the water and all of the other ingredients except the champagne lentils. Boil for 25 minutes. Reduce heat to a simmer, add the lentils and simmer for 20 minutes.

Today's Eats - greenie, oven roasted BN squash with mashed potatoes

Drank this Greenie before teaching / taking yoga this am:

3 leaves organic green kale
1 organic banana
~1-1/2 cup organic apple cider
1 TBS flaxseed oil
Whirled in vitamix for 20-30 seconds.

For lunch i ate yesterday's potatoes mashed with oven roasted butternut squash (by the way it's made with some of the boiling water reserved to make it more creamy, not butter, not milk, not cream, etc - no dairy or oil whatsoever and they ARE delicious!)

And some organic frozen corn.
Side salad of organic spinach, red+green cabbage shredded with carrots.
Balsamic vinegar and flaxseed oil as salad dressing.

Freshly squeezed organic juicing oranges for a refreshing beverage!

No salt? -check
No flour? - check
No oil (other than flax)? - check
No processed sugar? - check
Satisfying, filling? - check
Nutritional? - check
Delicious? - check, check!!!

It's only 2 pm so what'll dinner be? Have to wait and see...


Monday, November 1, 2010

Today's Eats - home-made granola

Skipped breakfast.

A few large scoops of "Hairy Inspired Oat-Bean Casserole" warm out of the oven.
Recipe: 1 can organic adzuki beans, 2 cans organic cannellini beans - all drained and rinsed.
5-6 cups organic rolled oats; 2 cups shredded green, red cabbage and carrots; 2/3 cup olive oil; 3/4 cup filtered water; 1 tbs garlic powder; bake in a casserole dish for 30 minutes at 325.

Greenie - with kale, apple cider, bananas.

Potatoes mashed with oven roasted butternut squash (no dairy, oils, just used some of the boiling water from the potatoes to make creamy) and about 2 cups of steamed broccoli with chopped raw garlic sprinkled on top.

Small amount of home-made granola:
Recipe -
3 cups rolled oats, 2/3 cup flax seeds, 1/2 cup shredded (in zylis grater) pecans and 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans, 3/4 cup maple syrup, 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 cup coconut flakes. Sprinkled with cinnamon. Spread on rimmed edge cookie sheets and bake in 275 degree oven for 40 minutes stirring every 10 minutes.

That's all for today.

some favorite recipes so far

As you may know from my previous post, i'm trying to follow the Gerson (anti-cancer) Diet.

I actually followed it pretty darn closely for 14 days about 3 weeks ago. And as you might expect I lost a lot of weight on it, but it is important to note that i was not hungry on it because you can eat and should eat a lot. The key to weight-loss on this diet is that the food you're eating is actually food; healthy, nutritious food!

Some of my favorite recipes so far are:

Baked potato with lots of garlic and steamed broccoli

The Hippocrates Soup - YUM!

This home-made salad dressing:
-handful fresh cilantro, ~1 TBS flax seed oil, ~1 TBS fresh lemon juice, ~1 TBS pure, organic maple syrup, 2-4 cloves garlic, 1 inch section of a jalapeno pepper, +/- 1 tsp nutritional yeast flakes. Grind in small food processor until dressing consistency.

Butternut Squash Soup (quicker and easier if purchase pre-cut squash)
Cover 2 pkg of BNS (or 2 medium sqaushes, peeled, cut into chunks) with just enough water to barely cover all of the squash. Add 1/2 of medium onion, 5-7 cloves garlic, +/- 1 pear, +/- 1 leak. Boil about 20 minutes. Puree in vitamix, including most of the water if it'll fit in vitamix. Enjoy!

Dandelion Salad: coarsely chopped red and green organic dandelion (or is this really chicory??), halved grape tomatoes, 1 TBS chopped onion, salad dressing.

6-7 carrot sticks, washed, topped and bottomed, but not peeled.
1 stalk celery, washed.
Press through vegetable juicer for a dose of Ayurveda Gold, PO (save the pulp for inclusion on casseroles)

Greenie (Green Smoothie)
1-1 1/2 cups chilled organic apple cider, 2-3 leaves kale, washed, 1-2 bananas. Blend in vitamix for 30 seconds.

Freshly squeezed orange juice 5-7 organic juicing oranges, either halve and hand squeeze, or peel and press through juicer. Ayuveda Gold Too!

Filtered water with a slice of organic lemon or lime.

Fruit Smoothies
Filtered water, oranges or apple cider can be used as liquid component. And combine any of the following: grapes (seedless), strawberries (tops ok to include), bananas, pine apples, raspberries, peaches, blue berries, mango, apples, oranges, pears, grapefruit, melon, and cherries. Whirl around in the vitamix for 30 seconds.

Wash and slice some nectarines or plum. Warm in a skillet with enough water to keep bubbly moist. Serve warm and enjoy how amazingly delicious this simple dessert is.

Bowl of fresh strawberries

Or take a bowl of fresh fruit (strawberries, peaches, raspberries) and a cup of ice. Blend in vitamix until fruit-ice dessert is made.

More to come.

what i'm eating

I love the Gerson Therapy's success stories so much, I've decided to use this blog to track how well i'm doing following it...

as per usual, i'm adjusting the Gerson (anti-cancer) Diet to a version that's a bit easier for me to follow (hopefully!!).

The food i prepare at home will be a slightly less extreme version of the gerson diet, but it will stick much more closely to it than the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Then when I go out to eat I will follow my vegan diet, but not the Gerson Diet.

Here's what I'm planning:

As much as I want:
All organic:
Fruits (including strawberries, pine apples, cucumbers and avocados - even though they're not allowed on Gerson) and vegetables (including peppers, mushrooms, fresh herbs, and whatever other veggies may be banned on the Gerson Diet).
Brown rice occasionally, oatmeal as desired.
Teas - herbal and green (only herbals are allowed on Gerson)
Sweeteners: honey (i know not exactly vegan - but I am trying) and maple syrup
Oil: Flax seed oil only

Beyond Gerson:
All types of beans (great northern whites, garbonzo, lentils, black, aduki, pinto, kidney, etc) - drained and rinsed of course!
Nuts - pecans, pine nuts, pistachio, walnuts, almonds, cashews - all salt free.
Grains/seeds: millet, amaranth, quinoa, couscous.

Now for the No-No's (besides all the vegan no-no's of animal products):
no salt
no sugar
no store bought salad dressings
no soy sauce, tofu, or miso (too much salt!)

Let's get started!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Pet's 10 Commandments

I don't know who originally wrote this. It was sent to me in an email, and I hope the author won't mind my sharing it here with you:


1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
10 On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

~Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them.
Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God's critters.

~Now please pass this on to other pet owners. We do not have to wait for Heaven, to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four legs!
